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Manet AI Art & Video Generator

4.6 ( 2336 ratings )
개발자: Yaroslav Kozubovskyi
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Bring all your wildest creative ideas to life with Manet AI Image Generator, just write your idea, choose a unique generation style and just wait until your words are embodied in an amazing work of art.

Now you can generate not only pictures but also videos with unique styles, be it Realistic, Tattoo, Anime, Retro, Cyberpunk and more, just choose the style that best suits your description, customize the generation and adjust small details by writing a simple instruction. Whether you want to change the hair color, resize the image or adjust the lighting and witness how your request turns into a work of art with Manet AI Image Generator.

If you want to test the application or you do not have any unique ideas, you can use ready-made prompt that Manet AI offers you, for example, it can be, realistic art, innovative tattoo designs, unique logos and much more!

Turn static text into captivating video: Discover new possibilities with the text to video generator feature. Simply write a unique query and wait for Manet to interpret your words to create unique and dynamic video content with visual effects. 

Try transforming your picture into a more unique image with the advanced AI technology feature Image to Image, just add the image you would like to transform, write the changes or improvements and just wait for your creation to be generated.

About subscriptions and terms of use:
- Unlimited Manet AI Art & Video Generator features require a Premium subscription.
- Subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of each term unless cancelled 24 hours before the end of the purchase term.
- Subscriptions can be managed by the user. Automatic renewal can be disabled in your phone settings. 

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